Time for your weekly Preggers Post Update! Bet you're all on the edge of your seats, right?
Baby Smith
Baby Boy Smith is the size of a large banana this week. And speaking of food, he is getting his taste buds this week, which means anything I eat, he can taste through amniotic fluid. What a great development for yummy holiday food!
I can officially feel Baby doing his holiday dancing now. While last week's post did not confirm "bubbles" feelings, I can now say maybe those peeps were right. There are two kinds of "feeling the baby" right now: the gradual shift of the large banana throughout the day, and then the little kicks and jabs from his dance moves (read: bubbles). I can't wait for Mr. Smith to feel this from the outside - it really thrusts it into reality, ya know?
Momma Smith
Growing by the day, I swear. I can now fit into those work maternity pants I snagged at Old Navy a couple of months ago.
In fact, this is who I kind of resemble today in my red shirt:
My sense of balance is slightly off as well. Must be my extending front that's making me slightly off with gravity. Speaking of extending front, this does not come with reinforced ab muscles, but rather, no ab muscles. Lying on my back usually leaves me relying on Mr. Smith to help me up, unless I can turn over to my side.
It's kind of funny, I guess, if you're not the beached whale in the situation. Reclining back in a comfy couch does the same thing. Amazing how much you rely on silly things like ab muscles until you don't have the luxury of them anymore.
We're also educating ourselves on upcoming Baby's arrival. I'm reading like a fiend (what else is new?), and we've watched "The Baby Whisperer" DVD. Hilarious. Particularly the part about changing a diaper, and asking your bundle of joy for his permission into his Circle of Trust before changing his diaper. Come back to me, say, in 6 months and ask me how that's going. We're watching "The Happiest Baby on the Block" this week, which we've heard great things about.
In Other News
In Other News
In other exciting news (depends on who is reading this, I guess, for the "excitement" level), I have fallen in love with Diapers.com. Yes, my friends, IN LOVE. I recently discovered this heavenly place on ebates, where I get 1.0% on all purchases there.
Upon further investigation, I literally jumped with joy at their 30% Cash Back deal with diaper ordering. Yes, that's not a typo: 30%. To test it out - surely this was too good to be true, right? - I ordered a dose of Pampers, ranging in size from Preemie to Newborn to Size 1 to Size 2. With my order, I scored a FREE 72 ct. Pamper Thick Care Baby Wipes pack, and a $1 coupon. Order Total: $48.55. The order arrived on my doorstep 2 days later. The next day (after arrival), Diapers.com let me know I had $13.07 credit in my Account, to use at my leisure.
Apparently, from now until March 31st, all my diaper orders receive 30% cash back, just from them. That's not to mention any cash back from ebates.
I swoon. I die. I love.
Upon further investigation, I literally jumped with joy at their 30% Cash Back deal with diaper ordering. Yes, that's not a typo: 30%. To test it out - surely this was too good to be true, right? - I ordered a dose of Pampers, ranging in size from Preemie to Newborn to Size 1 to Size 2. With my order, I scored a FREE 72 ct. Pamper Thick Care Baby Wipes pack, and a $1 coupon. Order Total: $48.55. The order arrived on my doorstep 2 days later. The next day (after arrival), Diapers.com let me know I had $13.07 credit in my Account, to use at my leisure.
Apparently, from now until March 31st, all my diaper orders receive 30% cash back, just from them. That's not to mention any cash back from ebates.
I swoon. I die. I love.
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