Thursday, April 14, 2011

Preggers Post - Week 37

Week 37

Otherwise known as reaching Full-Term.

I'm affectionately also calling it "Get this baby out of me" syndrome.

The Shrek feet.  The lack of continuous sleep.  The cankles.  The leaking ladies.  The sharp jabs and kicks to what I'm assuming were vital organs...

It's all caught up with me this week. 

Let's chat about what our daily adventures are these days...


Nesting is suppose to be a sign that you're ready to pop. 

In that case, Mr. Smith is due any day now. 

He's been a cleaning, organizing machine this past week.  I love it.  Especially since I feel like I've been nesting since, oh, last August. 

We had our house professionally cleaned on Monday (thank you Groupon!), which was a nice way to start out the week, and they got all the nooks and crannies that someone carrying around a large basketball in their mid-section can't quite bend over to get clean anymore. 

From the medical perspective...

We had our weekly doctor's appointment on Monday morning, along with a growth ultrasound.  Precious Babe is still looking good, measuring in at a little over than 5 pounds.  I'm 2.5 cm dilated, 50% effaced.  If that sounded like a foreign language to you, Google it.  I'm not going into detail about it.  In layman's terms = the doctor says any day now. 

I may or may not have had high blood pressure at Monday's check-up.  I can't imagine why.  Type A personalities absolutely love to be told to just "be ready" and not have anything finite on the books.   There'll be none of this "Having the baby tomorrow!" or "Can't wait to meet Harrison today!"  status updates on facebook.  That's not how they roll at UAB.  You don't make "appointments" there to have your Precious Babe. 

Anywhooo.... the blood pressure numbers were high enough to get super fun blood work done.  I'm under instructions to take it easy. 

And so... our bags are packed. 
I've got a spare change of clothing in the car just in case my water decides to break at work.  And our parents are on the ready for our call. 

What's packed so far, you ask?
  • Cute Pajamas and robe
  • Thick socks and house shoes
  • Big Sweatshirt (don't think it's not a Central High Falcons sweatshirt either for those from T-town reading this!)
  • Some large and in charge white briefs I picked up at Wal-Mart for like $6 that I don't care if I ever see again after this.  You could also probably use them to sail a boat or as drapes, that's how big they felt when I bought them, red-faced. 
  • Tolietries and feminine items
  • Make-up, Straightener, Blow-dryer
  • Camera
  • Camcorder
  • Kindle
  • Harrison's sign to hang on the hospital door
  • Baby clothes, socks, mittens, blankets and "Going Home" outfit
  • Boppy
  • Pillows
  • Down comforter
  • Important paperwork, like our Birth Plan (don't read too much into this, it's basically just some necessities...typed out in bullet-form, of course) and Disability Paperwork for work. 
  • Oh yeah... and Mr. Smith has some stuff packed as well. 
Let's get this party started. 

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you! Can't wait for Harrison to make his big debut!
